Welcome to Canada’s IDPA Website

Welcome to Canada’s IDPA Website


Well here we are with approaching a year without Covid as a major concern.  At last!  In addition effective June 1st we have a new and, in my opinion an improved Rule Book.  It is easier to read, more concise and the authors have deal with a number of concerns most has with the 2017 rule book.  I would encourage members to read the book your shooting experience will be enhanced.  If you are a Match Director there are some significant changes regarding painting targets, the use of vision barriers and walls.  We have posted a few of the early question and replies relating to some of the rules on our Forum.  If you have any questions feel free to ask them and we will do our best to get your questions answered.

Our membership in Canada has grown significantly over the past few of years.  As I write this total membership will cross 1,000 by June.  Welcome ALL!  Lets make the new members welcome.  IDPA is a growing sport here in Canada despite our Government's attempts to disarm us.


We continue to be in the fight of our lives to retain the right to own and compete with Pistol Caliber Carbines.The CSSA aka Canadian Sports Shooting Association needs your support. Please consider joining.

Membership is only $45. Cdn- Approx. $31.59US . Go here for more info.



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